Thank you!
Here you can make an investment in seeing Jesus’ love transform communities through giving tithes, offerings and specific gifts towards our projects or partnerships.
To make a one-off gift by debit or credit card, simply clickhereor the button above!
*Currently Apple Pay is not supported - when we can add this an Apple Pay Button will show.
To make one-off, or regular (standing order), gifts using direct transfer/BACS
Please pay to the account of:
Wellspring Church (Watford)
National Westminster Bank Plc
72 /74 High Street Watford, WD17 2GZSort Code: 60-00-08
Account No. 39683133
(Current Account)and reference as appropriate:
Church Family Fund
Building Fund
Special Offering (as advised in a service and by email)
If you would like a form to fill in and send to your bank to set up a standing order please download this form
As our new subcommittee reviews the extension plans for the Wellspring Church Centre, you can still give monthly to the work that will be done!
Please pay to the account of:
Wellspring Church (Watford) National Westminster Bank Plc Watford Town Centre Branch
72 /74 High Street Watford
Herts WD17 2GZSort Code: 60-00-08
Account No. 39686302
Reference : Building FundSet up a Standing Order
To set up a special standing order to The Building Fund - click here to download a standing order form and send it to your bank.Or use the offering envelopes at our Sunday morning services!
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator which means we have signed up to the Code of Fundraising Practice, which means:
We will commit to high standards
We will be clear, honest & open
We will be respectful
We will be fair & reasonable
We will be accountable & responsible
Boost your gift!
Please don't forget about GiftAid, if you are a UK tax payer we can claim 25p for every £1 you donate. It only takes a few seconds to add!
Watch below to find out how:
Thank you for every penny you are giving today. Our commitment is to invest every penny wisely, with transformation in mind. May God bless you!

Contact us by filling out the form and we’ll be happy to help!