Going beyond Friendship and into Fellowship,
beyond Gathering and into Growing
Grow Groups are for people who want to grow - people who want more than a surface-level relationship with God, and are willing to give others permission to help them dig deeper and stand stronger. Meeting bi-weekly, in person and online, we’ve got Grow Groups focused on prayer and Bible studies, hobbies or interests, and shared life seasons.
So take a look below, meet the leaders, and sign up to a group that fits you!
Bible Study
with Sheila
Tuesday afternoons
Women’s Bible Study
with Joy
Wednesday evenings
Bible Study
with Rebecca
Friday mornings & Thursday evenings
Grow Group with Alan & Jane
Thursday Evenings
God & Creativity
with Traysi
Thursday evenings
with Yetty
Tuesday Evenings
Living in Relationship
with Cynthia
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Contact us of check out our events page for more ways to grow!
Grow Group
with Ifeoma & John
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Contact us of check out our events page for more ways to grow!
Faith Line
with Toyin
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Contact us of check out our events page for more ways to grow!